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About Big Family Breaks

Holidaying with your kids is a joy, but it’s also a completely different experience to holidaying on your own or as a couple.

Where once you could champion spontaneity and fly by the seat of your pants, now travelling must come with a degree of planning that increases with each child that travels with you.

The number of big families in the UK is growing. According to Statista.com, there are estimated to be around 3.45 million two-children families in the UK as of 2021, with a further 1.24 million families that have three or more children.

While designed to be useful for all families, Big Family Breaks is particularly directed at those larger families.

It will bring an array of ideas of how to cut costs when travelling with children in an increasingly expensive world.

It will curate suggestions for the best family-friendly places to stay in the UK and beyond. 

It will offer up a whole host of tips and tricks for parents travelling with kids, written by mums and dads who have been through it already.

The Editorial Team

David is the Managing Editor of Big Family Breaks. He leads the team’s editorial content and is responsible for much of the writing and researching. He’s a qualified NTCJ-accredited journalist with over 25 years’ experience. He’s also a father to five kids – Charlotte, Ava, Hattie, Bert and Barney – and has accrued a huge amount of experience travelling with his kids over the years. His own favourite travelling experiences include a four-month trip around the world in 1999, a six-week tour of New Zealand, and his numerous adventures in his favourite UK city, York.   

Jo is David’s wife and the chief researcher of the family! She leads on all aspects of Big Family Breaks’ research, ensuring all our recommendations and advice are well-founded on authentic experience. Jo’s chief attributes are her organisational powers and unerring eye for a bargain, as well as a high bar for actual quality. Her standout trips (pre-children) were travels to New York and the east coast of Australia, while post-kids, her favourite holiday is Normandy in France.

...and the judging panel...