Home Travel guides The Ultimate Guide to Large Family Holidays: Destinations, Activities, and Accommodation
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The Ultimate Guide to Large Family Holidays: Destinations, Activities, and Accommodation

Family on a Holiday

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As a travel enthusiast, I have always found large family holidays to be some of the most memorable experiences. It is a great way to connect and bond with family members, create lasting memories and explore new destinations together. However, planning a holiday for a large family can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to choosing the right destination, budgeting, and finding suitable accommodation. In this guide, I will share my insights and tips on how to plan the ultimate large family holiday.

Benefits of going on a large family holiday

Going on a large family holiday has numerous advantages. Firstly, it enables family members to bond and create lasting memories. It is an opportunity to spend quality time together, away from the distractions of everyday life. Secondly, a large family holiday can be cost-effective as families can split the cost of accommodation, transportation and activities. Thirdly, it is a chance for family members to explore new destinations and cultures together. Finally, a large family holiday can help to strengthen relationships and improve communication between family members.

Choosing the right destination for a large family holiday

Choosing the right destination is critical to the success of any holiday. When planning a large family holiday, it is important to consider the interests and preferences of all family members. Some may prefer beach destinations, while others may prefer adventure activities. It is also crucial to consider the age range of family members, as some destinations may not be suitable for young children or elderly relatives. Researching destinations online, reading travel blogs and seeking recommendations from friends and family can help in making an informed decision.

Budgeting for a large family holiday

Budgeting is an essential part of planning a large family holiday. It is important to determine a budget that is realistic and affordable for all family members. The budget should include accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities. It is also important to consider unexpected expenses such as medical emergencies, travel insurance, and souvenirs. Researching travel deals, using travel reward programs, and booking in advance can help to reduce costs.

Family-friendly activities for a large family holiday

Choosing the right activities is important to ensure that everyone enjoys the holiday. Family-friendly activities can range from sightseeing, cultural experiences, adventure activities, and beach activities. It is important to consider the age range of family members, physical abilities, and interests. Planning activities in advance, booking tickets in advance and seeking recommendations from locals can help in making the most of the holiday.

Accommodation options for a large family holiday

Finding suitable accommodation for a large family can be a challenge. It is important to consider the location, size, and amenities of the accommodation. Options for large families can include villas, apartments, holiday homes, and resorts. It is important to book accommodation in advance to avoid disappointment, especially during peak travel seasons. Reading reviews online and seeking recommendations from friends and family can help in finding suitable accommodation.

Tips for packing for a large family holiday

Packing for a large family holiday can be stressful, but with the right preparation, it can be an easy task. It is important to make a packing list for each family member, considering the climate, activities, and duration of the holiday. Packing essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, and first aid kits should not be forgotten. It is also important to pack light, as excessive luggage can be a hassle during travel. Rolling clothes to save space, using packing cubes and vacuum bags can help in maximizing luggage space.

Safety considerations for a large family holiday

Safety should be a top priority when planning a large family holiday. It is important to research the safety and security of the destination, especially if traveling to a foreign country. Knowing the emergency contact details, carrying travel insurance, and keeping valuable belongings safe can help in avoiding unexpected incidents. It is also important to make sure that all family members are aware of safety protocols, such as staying together and avoiding dangerous areas.

Best destinations for a large family holiday

The world is full of amazing destinations that are perfect for large family holidays. Some of the best destinations include:

Orlando, Florida

Orlando is home to some of the world’s best theme parks, including Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and SeaWorld. It is a great destination for families with children of all ages.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali is a beautiful and affordable destination that offers a range of activities, including beach activities, cultural experiences, and adventure activities.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a great destination for families who love nature and adventure. It offers opportunities for hiking, zip-lining, and wildlife spotting.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney is a great destination for families who love beach activities, sightseeing, and cultural experiences. It is home to famous landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House and Bondi Beach.


Planning a large family holiday can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It requires careful consideration of destination, budget, accommodation, and activities. By following the tips outlined in this guide, families can plan the ultimate large family holiday. Remember to choose the right destination, budget wisely, choose family-friendly activities, find suitable accommodation, pack efficiently, prioritize safety, and consider the best destinations for large family holidays. Happy travels!

CTA: Book your next large family holiday today and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones!

Written by
David Prior

David Prior is an NCTJ-qualified journalist and the editor of Big Family Breaks. He is also a father of five and an experienced traveller, especially with kids.

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